Obras de Eric Berne

1947. The mind in Actión. Nueva York, Simon&Shuster.
1949. The nature of intuition. Psychiatric Quarterly, 23:203-226.
1952. Concerning the nature of diagnosis. Internacional Record of Medicine, 165, 283-29.
1953. Concerning the nature of communication. Psychiatric Quartely, 27, 185-198.
1954. The natural history of a spontaneus therapy group. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 4, 74-85.
1955. Intuition. Primal Images and Primal Judgement. Psychiatric Quartely. 29, 634-658.
1955. Group attendance. Clinical and theoretical considerations. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 5, 342-403.
1956. Comparative psychiatry and tropical psychiatry. American Journal of Psychiatry, 113, 193-200.
1956. The Psychological Structure of Space with Some Remarks on Robinson Crusoe. Psychoanalitic Quarterly, 25:549,567.
1957. A layman’s Guide to Psychiatry and Psichoanalysis. Nueva York Simon & Schuster. (Es el mismo libro que Mind in Action pero con otro título).
1957. Ego States in Psychotherapy. Am. J. Psychother., 11: 293-309.
1957. Intuition V. The Ego Image. Psychiatric Quarterly, 31: 611-627.
1958. Transactional Analysis. A new and effective method of group therapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 12, 735-743.
1958. Group therapy abroad. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 8, 466-470.
1959. Principles of Transactional Analysis. Indian Journal of Pychiatry, 1, 215-221.
1959. Difficulties of comparative psychiatry: The Fiji Islands. American Journal of Psychiatry, 116, 104-109.
1960. ‘Psychoanalytic’ versus ‘Dynamic’ group therapy. International Journal of Group Therapy, 10, 98-103.
1960. The cultural problem: psychopatology in Tahiti. American Journal of Pychiatry 116, 1076-1081.
1960. A Psychiatric census of South Pacific. American Journal os Psychiatry, 117, 44-47.
1961. Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy. New York: Grove Press. Inc. (Versión castellana: Análisis Transaccional en Psicoterapia. Buenos Aires. Editorial Psique. 1985).
1962. Intuition. The psychodinamics of intuition. Psychiatric Quartely, 36, 294-300.
1962. In treatment. Transactional Analysis Bulletin, 1, 10.
1962. Teaching group therapy. Transactional Analysis Bulletin, 1, 11-18
1962. Classification of positions. Transactional Analysis Bulletin, 1, 23
1963. The Structure and Dynamics of Organisations and Groups. Philadelphia: Lippincott.
1964. Games People Play. New York: Grove Press Inc. (Versión castellana: Juegos en que participamos. México. Editorial Diana, 180, reimpresión. 1986).
1964. The intimacy experiment. Transactional Analysis Bulletin, 3, 113.
1964. More about intimacy. Transactional Analysis Bulletin, 3, 125.
1964. Trading stamps. Transactional Analysis Bulletin, 3, 125.
1964. Pathological significance of games. Transactional Analysis Bulletin, 3, 160.
1964. Principles of Transactional Analysis. Current Psychiatric Therapies, IV 35-45
1966. The public eye. Transactional Analysis Bulletin, 4, 81.
1966. Recent advances in Transactional Analysis. Current Psychiatric Therapies, VI, 20-32.
1966. Principles of group treatment. New York: Grove Press. (Versión castellana: Introducción al Tratamiento de Grupo. Barcelona. Ediciones Grijalbo, 10 Edición. 1983).
1968. Staff-patient staff conferences. American Journal of Psychiatry, 125, 286-293.
1969. Introduction to reparenting in schizophrenia. Transactional Analysis Bulletin, 8, 45-47.
1970. Sex in Human Love. City National Bank, Beverly Hills. Califonia. (Versión castellana: Hacer el amor. Qué hace usted con el amor cuando hace el amor. Buenos Aires. Editorial Alfa Argentina. 1975).
1973. What do you say after you say hello? New York: Grove Press, 10 Ed. (Versión castellana: ¿Qué dice usted después de decir hola? Barcelona. Ediciones Grijalbo, 140. Edición 1974).

Martorell, Jose Luis. El análisis de juegos transaccionales. Un estudio empírico. Madrid. UNED, 2002:209-210.

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